lunes, 19 de septiembre de 2011

Emma Watson interview

* Hello, Can I ask you some questions for an interview?
- Yes, I can answer some questions .

.- Thank you for taking the time. Now, first question:

* What is your name ?
- My name is  Emma Watson

* Where are you from ?
 - I'm from is Paris (France.)

* What's your job?
- I am Actress

*  What's your city?
-  live in Kidlington, Oxford, UK. However, I spend time in London.

 * How old are you?
- I'm 21.

* Are you married?
- I'm not married.

* What is your first film?

- My first film was Harry Pother AND THE PHILOSOPHER'S STONE.

* Are you happy?
- Yes, I am.

* Thank you very much for answering my questions.
- You're welcome! .


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